
This blog is set up to give my students access to information relevant to the content of the classes I teach at UVU and BYU. I will be posting links to blog posts, websites, and news that will be of particular interest to them, as well as digital downloads of my syllabi and in-class handouts. I will also be posting student work and in class demos. The posts can be sorted for relevancy by the labels list on the left side. I've also integrated my Twitter account on the left hand side for quick links that aren't deserving of larger articles.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Utah Open Figure Drawing Opportunities

I'm attempting to list the local open figure drawing sessions between the Provo and Salt Lake City area for my figure drawing students. If you know of any additional ones, please let me know.  Most do not have sessions during normal vacation seasons.

Right Click to download maps

BYU Open Figure Drawing Session (swimsuit)
Provo, Utah
Fridays 9-12 - room B561 Harris Fine Arts Center - no charge. Available to BYU students and faculty only.

Springville "Art Store" Session (undraped)
Springville, Utah
Saturdays 10am to 1pm costs...last I heard about 7 dollars. please let me know if it's different.

University of Utah Open Figure Drawing Session (undraped)
Salt Lake City, Utah
Saturdays 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

5.00 per session or 40.00 per semester (16 weeks = 2.50 per session)

take 400 south from I-15 or use I-215 to Foothill Drive to get there.

The session is on the third floor of the art building. The arrows lead to the elevator in the building where the session is located. During the school year there is often both a long pose drawing and a gesture drawing class.  A wide variety of students, artists, and art teachers attend.


  1. I've been compiling a similar list, although I include instructed session as well. Currently 870 listings in the USA and Canada. I have several in Utah, but not these three.

  2. I've been to that site before, it has a handy compendium of life drawing resources.

  3. Just FYI, the uninstructed session at BYU on Fridays is currently open only to students, faculty (including adjunct), and faculty spouses. It is generally very full even with two models, so unfortunately we cannot accommodate non-BYU-affiliated guests at this time.

    I actually left early today because it was already so crowded, and more students kept showing up! I wanted to make room for them because they're paying tuition.

    Anyway, maybe it shouldn't be included on your list, because it gives the impression that it's open to anyone.

  4. I updated it to include the exclusivity...

    Though the open session is crowded, most if not all are likely to be BYU students. I have about 60 students in my 3 classes there and there are another three figure drawing classes this semester between animation and illustration. Those are the freshmen sections alone. Add on the 2 and 300 level courses, the more dedicated student figure drawing fans, and add to that the pressure of the review at the end of the semester and voila, crowded room.

  5. I am a former figure model from Chicago and just moved to Salt Lake. I'd love to help if you'd like. Feel free to contact me anytime.

  6. Figure Drawing at the Echo Theatre in Provo today! From 2 to 5pm. (145 North University Avenue). Only $10 to come join the session. Text me at 801.358.6623 if you are interested or have questions. If we have more than 10 people we will cut the price in half.

  7. Open Figure (Undraped) Sessions at King's Art Gallery and Studios, every Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 9pm and every Friday from 10am to 12:30pm. Located in Salt Lake City at 2233 So. 700 E. These sessions have been going on for 15 or more years. Person running them is Susan Gallacher, 801-486-5019.

